Community Life Ministries build and nourish a healthy vibrant Catholic community.
You are invited to participate or to be a leader in ministry. There is no time like the present:
Pastoral Region Divorce Care
Pastoral Region Grief Share
Pastoral Region Knights of St. John
Pastoral Region Marriage Ministry
Pastoral Region Senior Care
Pastoral Region Men's Saturday Fellowship Breakfast
Pastoral Region MOMS - Ministry of Mothers Sharing
Pastoral Region Senior Citizen Ministry (age 50+ )
Pastoral Region SoulCore Workouts
Pastoral Region Welcome Committee
Pastoral Region Woman's Fellowship Breakfast
St. Michael Apostleship of Prayer
St. Michael: St. Ann's
Ss. Peter & Paul Donut Sunday | Ladies Sodality
Ss Peter & Paul Men's Breakfast
Ss. Peter & Paul Turkey Festival / Chicken Dinner Fundraiser
More Ways to Be Involved:
Outreach Ministries
Faith Formation
Liturgical & Music Ministries