Advent and Lent Outreach

Advent & Lent Outreach
During Advent & Lent v
isits are made to the sick and home-bound in our pastoral region. You are invited to be part of this very special ministry.
To be included in the outreach schedule and make a few visits (on one of the days), complete the form below, or contact Paul Timmerman at the parish office or 937.295.2891 Extension 107.
Those making the visits are invited to Mass at 8:25am on either Thursday or Friday of the "Outreach" visits. After 8:25am Mass, meet in the chapel for assigned visits.

Extraordinary Ministers bring Holy Communion to the sick and home-bound every Friday morning after mass. Contact Paul Timmerman if you would like communion brought to you or a loved one.

Yes, I want to visit parishioners who are home-bound or who are in assisted living, hospitals or nursing homes.


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