El Salvador

Bienvenidos - Welcome to the El Salvador Page!


Update: March 2020

Bienvenidos – Want to see your donations in action? Click here to see progress on the Library Project, Biblioteca Parroquial De San Cristobal, in our sister parish. The team and community in El Salvador have been working hard to turn their vision into reality.

If you would like to help our brothers and sisters complete this project, your donation can help purchase a small window for $30, a door for $120, a large view window for $600 or the stairs of $325. All donations are welcome and any amount will help.  Click here to Make an Online Donation to the Library Project. Thank you for prayerfully considering!

Children do not have access to libraries in rural communities of El Salvador. In 2017 a library was established in San Cristóbal through our sister-parish partnership. The large parish hall currently houses 20 computers and 200 books, and houses many activities. A quiet space is needed. Our Salvadoran twinning team designated a utility shed on parish grounds as the future sight of the new library.  While the team in El Salvador  is working on acquiring the building supplies needed to make renovations, we are fundraising to purchase furniture books and Kindles for the library. Check out this cool video created for Ohio folks to see the vision of the new library.

Make an Online Donation to the Library Project 

Photos: Children reading outside on parish grounds, and the parish leadership team in San Cristobal, El Salvador. 



Sister Parish

 Saint Oscar Romero 


Please read these articles while you discern if this is the right "Short Term Mission Trip" for you

1. What Catholics Should know About Solidarity
2. Heroes Not Welcome
3. Videos: Third Wave of Mission
4. TED TALKWhat's Wrong with Volunteer Travel?